Paper Shredding Day this Friday at WSFS Bank in Rehoboth Beach from 10AM - 1PM

Below is list of possible events/ activities where the Chamber has need for volunteers.  CLICK HERE to download the Volunteer Application.  For additional information, please contact Kate VanVorst at 302-227-2233 x11 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Available Volunteer Opportunities

Administrative Assistance (Year Round, Hourly)
- Visitors Guide labeling; Realtor Bag assembly; etc.

Bonfires on Dewey Beach (June-August)
- Set up lights/supplies; clean up of lights/bonfire area; collect donations; pass out marshmallows/sticks; greet attendees; provide visitor info

Chamber Mascot Appearances (Year Round)
- Wear “Smiley” costume; greet visitors/event attendees; photo opportunities with visitors

Merchant's Attic (March)
- Set up at location; collect donations; greet attendees; provide visitors info

Movies on Dewey Beach (June-August)
- Set up/clean up of movie; collect donations; greet attendees; provide visitor info

Sea Witch Festival® (October)
- Set up/clean up of event; Monster Police during Saturday Costume Parade and/or Sunday Dog Parade; Info Table/Sales; Kid’s Activities; Beach Games.

Please take a moment to complete the Resort Area Visitor Survey.

Visitor Survey